For the first time in history, New Zealand has a dedicated certification for fluid power engineering, providing new training and career path options to those in the hydraulics and pneumatics industries.

Gisborne Hydraulics Owner and Director, Tasj Paulson A woman with a focus on developing the training, education, and safety standards is supporting her staff with support from Hydraulink.

A partnership between experts in complementary fields of engineering and services has helped produce a Kiwi-made hydro excavator designed to be among the most advanced, reliable, and operator-friendly of its type in the world.

Hydraulink Area Sales Manager Geoff Gurr, left, celebrates a milestone with Hydraulink Sales and Service Technicians, Phil and Daniel.

A man keen to take his future into his own hands has transitioned from an employee into an Owner Operator with the national Hydraulink hose, fittings, and service organisation.

Australasian hydraulic hose, fitting, and services specialists Hydraulink will again provide hydraulic hose kits to smoothly transfer power needed to operate control systems of the 2024 America’s Cup yachts – including new pedal-powered systems.